i have been growing salt crystals lately, in small containers, as a precursor to a larger project i want to take on. i have been observing them form a ring around the edge of one rectangular container, and last night, to my great disappointment when i awoke, i dreamed that i had developed this very intricate process, involving large robotic machines, to grow crystals in a swimming pool. the crystals took on forms much like in my little dish on the kitchen table, but at a such a massive scale, i could swim down and wrap my arms around one, pull it up and toss it onto the ground without it so much as chipping.

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i have put a deposit on a studio space in jack london in oakland. i’ll go next week to sign the lease and can occupy the space on 15 march.


i was asked for an image to add to the website, and as i perused my future neighbors, i recognized a jewelrymaker from the popuphood scene, an idea that started here in oakland as a way to both build and connect the community via artists/makers/do-ers and revitalize a city in a more…sustaining way than has been attempted.

just when i was wondering how…i’ve suddenly landed in somewhere along the outskirts of this community of people making things and making things happen. respect.

definitely watch the popuphood video:

this is a bit of an experiment—but then again, what isn't? i've decided to share my ongoing creative process of a specific exhibition of photographs. when and where those pieces will be exhibited, one cannot say. i did consider other ways of sharing my process, such as making a video, but decided that would probably be really boring. for those who like words and concrete descriptions, i've tried to clarify, in english, the 'essence of my concept' as well.
